jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

My little tour of my area I will in the park of San Roque has recently a circuit with among the elements that make up the set a network bridge , a gateway English , a Japanese bridge , five zip lines, a bridge , a bridge amazonian , rope ladders , step vines , hanging scales and other structures suitable for the enjoyment users .

I will go in the morning to observe the beautiful location and the outdoor eating and then relax under a tree I'll get underway and I will make the routes of the floor heating.
After warming up well I will begin by basic levels of the route between the trees , will ascend to level up doing all the routes of the park and finish the day watching the impressive landscape there

My holidays in Arizona
I am going to go Arizona during 1 to 4 of march.
I will stay at the Trovar Grand Canyon (Arizona,Grand Canyon National Park Lodges,P.O Box999, Grand Canyon,86023) it cost 100€ per night.

First day:
At 9:30 a.m check in at the Colorado River Discovery Welcome Center for my rafting departure.
At 10:00 a.m I will depart.
At 2:30 P.M arrive at Lees Ferry after my rafting trip.
Approx 4:00PM my day ends back at the Colorado River Discovery Welcome Center in Page.
The cost of this adventure is $111
rafting on colorado river

Second day:
Hiking in the Grand Canyon is so demanding that even people in excellent condition often emerge sore and fatigued.
I take a backpack with two big bottles of water, sunscreen and food to spend the day hiking and eating outdoors at this amazing place.
The cost of this reflexive day is $20.
Grand Canyon backcountry hiker

Third day:
This day will visit the exhibition ' Historic Kolb Studio Art and History Exhibits ' and the Kolb 's house.
I am going to go Kolb’s house at 8:00 a.m
The cost of this interesting day is $50.
view of kolb studio

Fourth day:
The last day I will relax and at the night
I will discover the Grand Canyon at night! I will explore some of the lesser-known stories of the park and facts. Programs include presentations in a beautiful hall , campfire talks, walks star, night walks , visits the cemetery, and more.
The cost of this amazing day is $50.


The Galician entroido is a party that is celebrated in February or in March in that the people disguise herself and they are made typical meals.
In my village celebrated activities specially directed to the children.
Typical meals of my villages are roscas, orellas and filloas which can be blood or white or any ingredient mix you want.

This year I dressed up only in school we went as a group dressed as mad scientists .

Hi, my name is Laura Sampedro Varela and I am a student 1ºA High school in IES Leliadoura.

I write this blog as work of English subject.